Every Subscription Manager template has access to objects. These objects represent the data that is stored in Ordergroove. For example, the customer's upcoming orders, subscriptions, addresses, etc. You can find a full list of all available objects in the Redux State section.

Name Type Desc
locale String This value will represent the current locale being set on the website. The value is pulled form the lang attribute of the html node. For example <html lang='en'>
customer Object This object represents the current customer who is logged into your site that is viewing the SMI
merchant_id String This value is used to identify you as the merchant and is the same value that you would find under the customer.public_id key above.
environment Object This object represents the environment that the application is currently running in. You typically will not need to interact with this object unless you're instructed to by an Ordergroove representative.
orders Array This array represents the list of all of the customer's upcoming orders. Each item in this list is an order object and contains the following fields
items Array This array represents the list of all of the customer's orders.
subscriptions Array This array represents the list of all of the customer's subscriptions.
products Array This array represents the list of products pulled into the state for current subscriptions and order items
addresses Array A list of all customer addresses pulled into the state
payments Array A list of all customer payments pulled into the state


Redux State

Objects in State

Fields on Objects
